
This land is my land.

Greetings! I'm back from my cross country road trip, with about a million stories to share. I have no idea how many miles we actually spent in the car, but it was probably more than I've driven in the past year alone! Our route consisted of Philadelphia to North Carolina, to Memphis, Tennessee. In Texas we were stuck in the worst blizzard I've ever been in, then headed over to Flagstaff, Arizona, after stopping in the Petrified Forest and Painted Desert. From there we headed to San Diego, California, spending an afternoon in Tijuana, Mexico. We drove up the coast stopping in LA, San Luis Obeispo, San Francisco, and the Redwood National Forest, seeing many friends along the way. We made it to Portland, Oregon, and then headed out to Minneapolis, Minnasota, stopping first in the Grand Tetons, and The Badlands of South Dakota. From Minneapolis, we drove through the night back to Philadelphia. If I spent time listing all of the amazing parts of our trip, I would be writing all day. As predicted, I returned home with a sense of renewal. I am ready to embark on a new journey, with open eyes and open hands. I dont know what lies ahead in my future, but I am sure to have a changed outlook on life as it is presented to me. As I was away, I became overwhelmed with God's creation (or nature, however you see it), and came to appreciate how insignificant I am in an entire world full of beauty. It's almost a sin to try to capture it on film (or digital), for a photograph doesn't even come close to giving the real sight justice. But of course, like hell, I tried. I have a number of rolls of film that have yet to be processed, and I'm very excited to see the images. I was not able to take half the pictures I wanted to take, just because I would've needed probably another month to do so.

But for now, I'll leave you with a few teasers. Just some candid shots taken with the digital camera:

(my most common position; taking a photograph with the hassie)